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tamoadmin 2024-10-11
1.海南旅游景点英文名称介绍 海南著名景点英文介绍2.问问大家苏州名胜古迹的英文名称,如拙政园,狮子林,沧浪亭等等,谢谢。3.谁能帮我把十堰旅游一卡通上的十个景

1.海南旅游景点英文名称介绍 海南著名景点英文介绍







 scenic spot

 英 [?si:n?k sp?t]

 美 [?sin?k spɑt]


 景区讲解 Presentation about Scenic Spots

 景区开发 scenic area exploitation

 著名景区 famous scenic spots

 景区管理 tourism district management

 景区环境 environment of scenic spot


 1. Protection of sites, habitats and landscapes is of uppermost priority.


 2. The Sun Yat - sen's Mausoleum area is a world - famous scenic spot.

 中山陵园风景区景色秀美,是享誉海内外的 世界级 景区.

 3. They flocked to the West Lake scenic area and downtown areas.


 4. The Pengyuan has totally five the view Districts is 22 beauty spots.


 5. Qingshui Bend is yet another major scenic spot of the area.


 6. Venue: Alu Ancient Cave Scenic Area of Luxi County.

 地点: 泸西县阿庐古洞景区.

 7. Walking a dozen kilometres upstream at the Fishing Bay.


 8. Can apple orchard in the area directly to Pakistani MTR ride.


 9. Hikers stop to take in the view at Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument.


 10. Grand View Park lake water around the whole area.


 11. Rent in the scenic spot provided Tibetan horses, enjoy a gallop.

 可在景区内租藏族同胞提供的马匹, 尽情驰骋一番.

 12. The above areas are not open. No visitors allowed.

 以上景区尚未开放, 请游客止步!

 13. Mashan Guling Cave is 117 km south to Nanning , capital of Guangxi province.

 马山古零神奇洞景区具有区位好、穴景观神奇 、 发潜力大、景好的特点.

 14. It is not allowed to tip waste in a nature reserve.


 15. The cement road to the scenic spot has been accomplished.


景区用英文怎么说相关 文章 :

1. 景点用英语怎么说

2. 介绍景点的常用英语句子

3. ?门票价格?英语怎么说

4. 景点简单的英文介绍

海南旅游景点英文名称介绍 海南著名景点英文介绍

1、颐和园The Summer Palace



2、广州塔Canton Tower


3、国家体育场National Stadium

别名鸟巢(英文: Birds Nest)国家体育场(鸟巢)位于北京奥林匹克公园中心区南部,为2008年北京奥运会的主体育场。工程总占地面积21公顷,场内观众坐席约为91000个。


4、天安门Tian’anmen Rostrum


5、秦始皇陵Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor







1,天涯海角游览区,The remotest corners of the globe





3,鹿回头公园,Luhuitou Park


4,西岛,West Island

西岛又名玳瑁岛,位于三亚湾国家自然保护区内,全岛总面积 2.6公里。岛上风景秀丽,空气清新,沙滩柔和,海水清澈见底;环岛海域生长着大量美丽的珊瑚,保护完好。









已解决问题 收藏 转载到QQ空间 谁有英语作文是介绍海南海口的 [ 标签:海南 海口,作文,海口 ] SOSO用户 回答:1 人气:12 解决时间:2008-06-29 11:18 满意答案 Haikou, known also as the 'Coconut City', is the capital of Hainan Province, China's second largest island. The city is the provincial administrative center of Hainan as well being the focus of the local economy, culture and transportation. Haikou stands at the northern end of Hainan Island, on the west bank of the Nandu River estuary. This river is the longest on the island and the city's name appropriately means 'Mouth of the Sea'.

With the sea on three sides Haikou enjoys a long coastline that features excellent bathing beaches and sea side resorts. Holiday Beach is the most popular of these, while Xixiu Beach is where the National sailing and windsurfing teams train and hold competitions.

The downtown area of the city has an excellent environment with streets lined with coconut palms. Here there are modern and convenient public transport facilities and all that is best in a tropical seaside city that is pollution free and that meets the needs of the tourist in a friendly and welcoming way.

Besides its natural resources, Haikou has a number of important sites of historical interest. The Wugong Temple (The Five Official's Temple), the Tomb of Hai Rui and the Xiuying Emplacement each serve as reminders of the historical importance of Haikou.



[size=4]Fellow friends:

Welcome everybody to arrive motherland most South End city Sanya to go sightseeing the traveling. First asks everybody to turn on the glass to feel, the Hainan pure non- pollution air, the sunlight, the sea water, the sand beach and the good environment! Our vehicle now goes this road, is a Sanya most characteristic road - shore sea route. Left side of the vehicle, floats in the sea level that two small islands, is "east the hawk's-bill turtle state island" and "west the hawk's-bill turtle state island". East the hawk's-bill turtle state island now also not the to foreign countries opening up, west the hawk's-bill turtle state island invests more than 1 billion developments by the Taiwan merchant. Now becomes the tourist to feel the natural scenery and the entertainment best place, by the person is "aquatic small Penglai" these two islands is Sanya one of eight scenery "the wave floats the pair ". [/size]

[size=4] Has good which a speech said, comes Hainan not to come Sanya - to be equal to has not come Hainan, comes Sanya not to go to the ends of the earth - to be equal to has not come Sanya. That ends of the earth in where Inherits the China traditional culture the people are open the imagination like this the wing, locates the remote place in the ends of the earth. The ends of the earth are used for to describe remote difficulty with is near to, even if can be near to also must pass through thousand tribulation places. [/size]

[size=4] The ends of the earth tour area is situated with the Chinese most south City of Sanya western suburbs 26 kilometers place, we also take 20 minutes to be possible to arrive. Today each position rushed under the horizon cape many years desire to be very quick may realize. The ends of the earth tour are Hainan travel one of most splendid programs, is line of Hainan Subject Tune. Today lets us in a return nature, happy passed this happy day, leaves behind an unforgettable recollection. This scenic area mainly has the tropics beach granite scenic spot, the shopping area and the country club composition, integrates the tropics sea scenery, the historical vestige, the Chinese folk custom culture is a body traveling scenic spot, we mainly are tour this scenic area subject landscape, the horizon, the cape, south landscape and so on a day column. [/size][size=4][/size]


[size=4] Each group friend, ends of the earth were very quick must arrive, then, how we did understand the ends of the earth We first may look from the wording that, simple mentions, the horizon is border of the day, the cape is angle of the sea. Believed such solid everybody is does not will satisfy. Usually thought the day is limitless, therefore does not matter the ends of the earth. But cape, also the sea bay is real solid, the cape is not everywhere all has Really was too ordinary, we said the cape is each present saw left side this Wang cape, this was angle of the sea. The obvious people usually said ends of the earth certainly not that simple, the ends of the earth are use for the shape with nominal to be remote but difficulty with are near to or must the place which can arrive after the untold hardships, thus it can be seen, from ancient to present, the people often said the ends of the earth certainly refer in particular to some place. Then, why chooses this place to call it the ends of the earth Is bringing this question, lets us tour together, uncovers the happy center this to confuse. [/size][size=4][/size]

[size=4] Now we already entered the ends of the earth tour area parking lot, we ride the view lathe finishing stops in here, this was "ties Ma Xuanche" the time, the tour time is a half hour, quite is perhaps laborious in the tour process. Because the scenic area horizon, the cape acts according to the horizon good hard labor, the cape road is endless. Sedulously builds. Everybody wants to see the horizon, the cape carved stone, needs to pass through a section of long tropics seacoasts sand beach to be able to arrive. Achieves after the destination, but also must the old route return, so can realize after the untold hardships the predecessor, rushes the ends of the earth taste. The millennium walks, ends of the earth, a this time life big pleasure. The friend, lets us go to the horizon is together the date, the cape embraces the month, is keeping this happy time.

This is we a carved stone which meet along the beach south, above the quarter has "the sea to sentence the day", what meaning sentences in here is Sentences for separates, the separation, the resolution meaning, may think the South China Sea separates with the south day in this. If our back is treating this megalith together, the surface faces south also can comprehend, also may say the sea the belt and south the day, separates or separates. Whether, also may so understand that, The earth, the sea, separates with the south day while this also is in this convergence. We have been turning head have a look, who is this writes writes? Is clear Kanghsi 53 years imperial envoy Miao the Cao soup side, patrols engraves to this topic, this time ends of the earth scenic spot at present discovered earliest carved stone.

Proceeds not to be able to go out 20 meters rice, in a seashore megalith, is the world-wide civilization "south a day column". Carved stone, "south a day column" On Funds is engraving, Xuantong Period first year four small characters, the signature at the end of the letter engraves, "Yongan Fan scaling ladder" inscription. "The Xuantong Period first year" also was "in 1909", Yongan was the geographic name, will be refers to "forever Anju" after the textual research, also is the present Guangxi celebrates the state area the manganese mountain county. "The Fan scaling ladder" is "south a day column" inscription author. Character step of month, Yongan sluice village person. Is born in the clear Tongzhi two years, "the Fan scaling ladder" in Hainan for the official around 18 years, the Xuantong Period Yuan lunar new year's eve clear royal corrupt is incompetent. The foreign big powers stream in, carves up the Chinese Qing Dynasty to occupy together beset with difficulties both at home and abroad, crisis-ridden in, is precarious, at that time 46 year-old "the Fan scaling ladder" took the post of the cliff state Knowledge State, painstakingly planned a business enterprise Hainan Island this quick barren land. Side one day patrols sees in startled Tao to this a stone column to be indomitable spirit, the surging emotions rush, are filled with emotion. Is correct is, "the country is prosperous, the ordinary man has the responsibility". Italy to the pen, "south a day column" four large brush-written Chinese characters finished a piece of writing at one go. Only sees the typeface solemnly, vigorous is powerful, writes down full, The word is near The aim is far. Completely is the day becomes quite the same as.

Ancient times the ancients "the place day circle", thought the earth is a square shape, therefore has four cardinal points view, the day is round, the day cage is covering "the square earth", earth four cardinal points separately has four is supporting the sky with the pillar, the like this south day as soon as leaned on has catered to the people's saying of place day circle. The people see this "south the day as soon as to lean on" greatly may not need to worry the day must collapse collapses down. [/size]

[size=4] South the day as soon as leans on in the independent stone rock pil


1、拙政园:Humble Administrator Garden


2、狮子林:Lion Forest Garden


3、沧浪亭:Pavilion of Surging Waves


4、留园:Lingering Garden


5、寒山寺:Hanshan Temple




Wudang Mountain


Saiwudang Mountain


Wudang South Shinto


Danjiangkou Dam


Yunxian Dinosaur egg fossils National Geological Park


Jinshawan Water Park


Savage Cave


Savage Valley


Wulong River Scenic Area


Guanyin Cave


Longquan Temple


the great wall 长城mount taishan 泰山imperial palace of the ming and qing dynasties,mogao caves 敦煌莫高窟the mausoleum of the first qin emporer 秦始皇陵兵马俑坑peking man site at zhoukoudian 周口店北京人遗址mount huangshan 黄山jiuzhaigou valley scenic and historic interest area 九寨沟风景名胜区the mountain resort in chengde city 避暑山庄及周围寺庙potala palace, lhasa 拉萨布达拉宫lushan national park 庐山风景名胜区mt. emei scenic area, including leshan giant buddha scenic area 峨眉山--乐山大佛ancient city of ping yao 平遥古城summer palace in beijing 北京颐和园forbidden city in beijing 北京故宫temple of heaven--an imperial sacreficial altar in beijing 天坛